(ec) essential connection magazine: ec fiction contest finalist: Jessica Morgan

Monday, August 11, 2008

ec fiction contest finalist: Jessica Morgan

Last week, we posted Whitney Stewart's winning entry in ec's first fiction writing contest. Today, we give you a creative story from our other finalist, Jessica Morgan. So, be sure to read her tale, which somehow reminded us of The Chronicles of Narnia. And be sure to pick up the August issue of ec and read Alexis Deese's winning entry on page 20. So, drum roll please. Here's Jessica Morgan's story, “The Last One.”

The Last One*
By Jessica Morgan

The night stars blazed up above and the moon shone like a newly polished silver coin, shining from its throne in the night sky. A slight breeze whispered to the shadows. A fugitive crept along, a large hood pulled over his head and a long black cloak flowing like silk behind him. The hood shifted back and forth as the deserter looked around just to be sure he wasn’t followed. The trees rustled solemnly, as though they knew someone was there. The shadows paused in their dance as they peered at the cloaked figure, then resumed their fun-making. The breeze played with the cloak, trying to get it undone to sweep it away. The fugitive waved the breeze away. Sullen, it went back to teasing the flower buds. An owl, perched on a near-by conifer, watched the rebel with wide unblinking eyes. A moth fluttered past its beak, and it snapped it up in one quick movement. Its eyes never left the cloaked figure. A dark green snake slithered up the path. It studied the creature with bright green eyes.

“You’re late. The ssssstarsssss have been up for an hour at leasssst.”

“I almost got caught. I had to wait for the guards to move away.”

“You have it?”

“Yes, it’s under my…” the dark figure said as he started to bring something out from the cloak, when the snake quickly stopped him.

“No! Not out here. There are ssssspiessss all around usssss. If they ever ssssaw

it, we’d be dead before you could blink. Now, let’ssss get back before we are arressssted for being out after curfew.”

The snake turned and slid down the small over-grown path. The thief looked over his shoulder before following. The owl watched them, then took off into the night.

They arrived at the bank of a long-dried river. The snake nudged back some bushes and the cloaked figure disappeared into a hidden cave. The snake glanced around, and then followed. Inside, the cave was dry and warm, a sharp contrast to the cold night outside. Several creatures looked up from the hot, crackling fire and when they saw the cloaked figure and the snake, the solemn faces broke into smiles. A young otter got up.

“You’re back! Praise the Lord, we all thought you had been killed.”

A wolf also stood.

“Are you alright, Matt?”

The cloaked figure pulled back his hood, revealing a young wolverine.

“I’m alright, Jon.”

The young otter looked at the snake.

“Are you doing alright, Master Edward?”

“Yes, Dawn, I’m fine.”

An older ferret made his way around the fire.

“Matt, did you manage to get it?”

Matt looked at Master Edward. The old snake nodded. Matt reached beneath his cloak and brought out a tattered book. The creatures gathered around Matt and Master Edward.

“It’s in better condition than I ever expected. How did you ever get it?” a silver furred lion, Paul, asked. Matt gave a weary grin.

“It’s a long story.” Matt began when Felix, a jaguar, interrupted.

“We can hear his story another time.”

Matt grinned.

“I was thinking the same thing.”

The creatures sat on logs around the fire while Matt remained standing. Master Edward also remained by Matt’s side. Matt dusted off the worn cover, and held it up for all to see.

“This book may be the last of its kind. Many creatures died trying to get it. Let us honor those creatures now, who gave their lives so that we might have the rare honor of reading from the last Bible.”

The owl blinked its red eyes against the wind. His beating wings made nary a sound in the night. As he flew, he started to pick up strange signals in the air. He tilted his head back and forth and was able to convert the disturbances into words. He swooped lower… and a cruel smile wormed its way across his beak.

Matt was reading from the Book of Mark, when they heard angry voices outside their cave and saw the flare of torches. Matt glanced up from the old tome at the faces around him.

“Well, I suppose we won’t close in prayer this time, brothers and sisters. Luke!”

“I’m here, Matt.”

“You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

The two wolverines clasped paws, probably for the last time. The voices got louder and the covering started to rustle. Suddenly, the bushes were wrenched aside so forcefully they were yanked up by the roots. Several creatures wearing armor and dark masks stepped into the cave. A large black snake entered. It looked around with large evil eyes. They fell on Master Edward.



Suddenly, the cave was thrown into chaos. Both sides clashed with a yell. Matt fought with all his strength with Luke beside him, laughing madly as he cut down the enemy. Suddenly the laughter stopped. Matt turned, only to see his best friend, lying on the ground, dying.

“Luke!” the battle around him forgotten, Matt knelt by Luke’s side.

“Matt.” Luke said, his voice already faint.

“Luke, don’t leave. Not yet.”

“Matt, I’ll never leave you. Best friends…forever. I’ll…see you… in…the…kingdom.” Luke’s voice faltered and his head lolled. Matt clenched his teeth as he rose, leaving Luke where he fell and, with tears stinging his eyes, returned to the battle. A young rat stood before him. Although it grieved him greatly, Matt thrust his sword into the rat’s chest and shoved him aside so he couldn’t hear his final breath. He suddenly found himself pinned to the wall by another wolverine: his own brother.

“What a surprise.” His brother snarled and he pressed his sword against Matt’s throat.

“Any last words, traitor?”

Matt looked his brother straight in the eyes, strangely calm.

“May God have mercy on your soul.” Matt replied as he thrust a dagger in his brother’s chest. His vision went black.

A soft golden light flooded Matt’s senses. He blinked open his eyes.

“Matthew, welcome home, my son.”

Getting to know Jessica:
Age at time of submission: 15
Hometown: Los Alamos, N.M.
Favorite Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:17

*This submission has been edited and/or character's names changed for clarity.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great story!

August 12, 2008 at 7:48 PM  

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