(ec) essential connection magazine: Music Minute

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Music Minute

This morning, I got stuck in traffic AGAIN. I overslept and got out the door as fast as I could, only to be stuck at an almost-standstill on an eight-lane interstate for 30 minutes. I'm really tired, generally. At least five of my friends have a loved one with cancer—not the "we-better-watch-this" kind, but the extra-scary "we'd-better-get-you-in-here-right-away" kind. Lately I've been feeling a bit lonely, scared, and generally frustrated with a lot of things. Sometimes it's easy to feel like God has maybe forgotten about you a little bit. And it seems like one thing that always makes me feel better—but that I often forget—is singing hymns.

OK, I know you're thinking that's kind of churchy and dippy, but I don't think it is. I think if you know some hymns by heart and take time to sing them when you're stressed, angry, and afraid, it's a way you can simply sit before God and be with Him. You don't need to worry about what words to say, because they're already written. And it always seems like music just hits me down deep.

I'm not necessarily talking about singing the hymnal, either. One of my most favorite albums is a Selah album called Press On. There are hymns on it, but there are also spirituals, regular songs, and at least one song sung in Kituba, a Central African language I don't even understand. But somehow, just knowing that they are singing words to praise God makes things a lot better. Your favorite Christian music can help you re-focus on God. It doesn't have to be slow, quiet, or churchy-sounding. Occasionally I'll just start singing old-school Supertones songs (yes, I'm a 90s dork). That also does the trick.

Let's face it. You're busy this week, probably busier than last week, and it doesn't look like it's slowing down any time soon. Do you really have time to listen to or memorize a couple of hymns? I hope you do, and I think you should make a little time for it. To be honest, your life isn't going to slow down. Stress isn't going to stop, and there will always be something you're afraid of or worried about. Finding some favorite hymns is one way you can praise God, calm down, and have a little quiet time all in one go. Take a few minutes this week to think about what music makes you feel better, more worshipful, and quieter. Do you have a favorite hymn? Did something strike you as especially moving this week during worship? Or maybe you find yourself singing a little bit of a Christian song to yourself.

Whatever it is, make a mental or written note of that song, and try to remember to come back to it when you need a few seconds of peace. It's very interesting to me that when Paul and Silas were thrown into prison (and we are really talking about something much more like a dungeon with chains and dripping water and vile food than something like a modern jail), they sang hymns and songs. Remember Psalm 13:6: "I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me."

Next time I'll be back with some new Christian music releases!



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