(ec) essential connection magazine: Run the race

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Run the race

Do you not know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. —1 Corinthians 9:24

Running. Not my favorite pastime, but a necessary part of my life. Training for races, whether a 5K or a half-marathon or an IronMan, takes dedication. And sacrifice. And lots of time and effort. If you read Renee Short’s article, "We're in this together," on page 45 of this month’s issue of ec, you might have winced with her at her running experiences. But what I admire most about her story was her stick-to-itiveness, even when she had failed many times before. She quit her half-marathon training numerous times, only to strengthen her resolve to accomplish her goal of finishing the race. But it wasn’t until she enlisted help from others that she finally succeeded.

I can tell you firsthand that the need for others is strong in training for a half-marathon, or any race, for that matter. Training with someone else makes all the difference in the world. And on the day of the race, it’s the encouragement from cheering fans that can spur you on, even when you’re ready to forgo the medal awaiting you at the finish line and sit on the sidewalk with the spectators at mile 7. But I’ve also run and not heard a peep from the bystanders watching me sweat it out. It was tough! I wanted to ask them to yell for me in encouragement, but I wasn’t sure what to say.

Granted, all this running talk is a metaphor for the Christian walk. But I’ve actually experienced what Paul was talking about in Hebrews 12:1. I know how good it feels to accomplish something when others are cheering you on, to set aside the worries and burdens and just run (or serve or organize or teach) like it’s my job. I also know how hard it is to complete something when you feel like no one is paying attention or understands.

So where do you need help and encouragement from others? Is it admitting a secret sin and then finding an accountability partner? Or does your mood and outlook leave you needing encouragement from others? Or maybe you need help from others to push you toward your goals, be it finishing a race or completing high school. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! It doesn’t make you weak or unstable.

Now, let’s flip this situation. Where you can you help others? Look out for the classmate who may be struggling with the same stuff you are. Encourage him or her. Share your vulnerability so he or she realizes this isn’t a lonely battle. Pay attention to all the people around you. Take the time to let them you know you appreciate them, think they do a good job, or to praise whatever else they do that impresses you.

The cliché “Life is a marathon, not a track meet,” is true. It’s a journey that requires endurance, and we’re not going to make it to the end of this race without encouragement. So be an encouragement to others! We bet it’ll come back to you.

Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us. —Hebrews 12:1

And to Mandy, ec’s content editor: Good luck at the race in Colorado this weekend! We’re cheering for you! :)

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