(ec) essential connection magazine: Fiction contest finalist: Breanna Hinston

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fiction contest finalist: Breanna Hinston

While Kirby Jones was selected as the overall winner in the middle school division of our 3rd annual ec fiction contest, we couldn't ignore the merits of Breanna Hinston's submission. So, we declared her a finalist in this year's competition.

Breanna is from Brighton, Mich., and enjoys dancing, playing the piano, reading, writing, and hanging out with friends and family. We're so happy she shared her talents with us!

Here's Breanna's story, Quiet Courage:

Kelsey shut her bedroom door. Her parents were fighting again. She walked over to her iPod and scanned down her playlist and pressed play. She did anything to block out the yelling. It all started when they moved from California to Michigan because her dad got a job offer. She didn’t see her dad very much after he took the job, and when she did, he didn’t even pay attention to her because he was so concerned about his work.

It was quiet for about one minute which was very unusual because she normally fell asleep listening to them fight. She heard a humming noise outside her window, and she turned to go see what it was. Her dad’s blue SUV was pulling out of the drive-way. Kelsey’s eyes were beginning to get blurred as tears streamed down her face. She was hoping it wasn’t what she thought it was. She slowly dragged her feet to her bed, turned off her light, and soon drifted off to sleep.

The next morning was Sunday so Kelsey woke up at eight o’clock to get ready for church. The drive to church was very quiet. Well, that was probably because it was just her and her mom. Kelsey figured that her dad would meet them there, at least she hoped so. When they got there, her wish was not granted. Her dad didn’t even show up.

How could he? she thought while the preacher was giving his sermon. Why would he just leave us and not even say good-bye to me?

After the church service, Kelsey’s mom said, “How about we go to your favorite restaurant?”
Kelsey looked down and replied “OK.”

After they ordered their food, her mom looked at her. “Honey, I have something to tell you. Your father and I are not getting along as well as we used to. We are just going to be separate for a while but…”

“What?” Kelsey almost yelled. Her eyes were filling with tears but she knew that she just couldn’t let them go.

“Please don’t yell Kelsey.”

After that, the rest of the meal was quiet except for a few yeses and nos.

When they got home, Kelsey went straight to her room and stayed there for the rest of the night.

The next day at school, it didn’t go so well. Kelsey could not concentrate on any of her classes.  She got a B on her science test that she studied for two hours last night, and it was supposed to be pizza day at her school for lunch, but they ran out so she had to eat tuna casserole.

On the bus ride home, she sat there staring out the window and watched other kids playing in the snow and building snowmen with their families.

When she got home, no one was there. She looked at the phone and it said there was a new message.

“Hi sweetie. I am running a little late from work. I won’t be home until dinner so you can order pizza or something if you want. I’m sorry. Love you.”

Kelsey sighed and threw her backpack on the chair. She walked over to the computer and logged on her Facebook.

She had gotten a message from one of her good friends, Jenny:
Hey Kelsey, I didn’t get to talk to you at school because I had a big algebra test today. I did notice you sort of looked down today at school. Is anything wrong? My mom said that she could drop us off at the movies. The Hannah Montana movie is out. I heard it was pretty good but a little cheesy. We could go out to eat then. Call me! Remember Deuteronomy 31:8.

She ran over to her room and picked up her Bible. It was so old that half of it was falling out and the cover was practically worn off. She fanned through her pages and read aloud Deuteronomy 31:8. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord you God goes with you: He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Kelsey just sat there and thought about that for a minute. Even through the hard times He is still watching over me and is in control.

She hurried and picked up the phone to call Jenny.

Ten minutes later she was walking out the door with her coat and scarf in hand.

“Thanks for taking me to the movies and dinner. It was great.” Kelsey hugged Jenny good-bye and walked through the front door. “Hello?” Kelsey asked. She heard voices in the den. She put her ear up against the door to listen who was in there.

It was her mom’s voice. “Honey, let’s just try to work this out, at least for Kelsey’s sake.”

“Alright, I’ll schedule an appointment at the marriage counselor tomorrow.” Kelsey was shocked. That was her dad’s voice that she had just heard!

She tip-toed up to her room and shut the door. She then knelt down on her knees and prayed. “Thank you so much Lord!”

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