(ec) essential connection magazine: Five more things

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Five more things

Top 5 Ways to Avoid Needless Teenage Heartache, compliments of Emily, ec's production editor, who had her fair share of broken hearts and hurt feelings in high school thanks to boys

5. Liking much older boys while in junior high is NOT good, no matter how much attention he gives you (and every other girl). Avoid the junior or senior who spends a lot of time with young girls. He's got issues.

4. Any guy that you're not willing to tell the whole truth about to your parents isn't worth dating or even liking.

3. Don't call boys incessantly. They don't like it. If he doesn't call you back, he's not worth your time.

2. Don't be mean to other girls. It's a turnoff to guys.

1. Don't pretend to be anything you're not. It'll save you a lot of trouble!




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