(ec) essential connection magazine: Top 10 ways to serve others

Monday, March 9, 2009

Top 10 ways to serve others

By Amy Jo Harell

Need some help figuring out how you can serve others this month? Think about a few of these practical ideas:

1. Do you enjoy music but aren’t ready to perform at church?

Consider volunteering to assist the music minister. Many directors need help with filing music, marking or distributing papers, and other tasks.

2. Do you have a talent for crocheting, knitting, or sewing?
Many maternity wards at hospitals greatly appreciate donated handmade items for newborn infants to wear home. Some babies are born to families that do not have much money or have limited resources for such items.

3. Are you a very patient person?
Consider volunteering to assist in the nursery or children’s ministry at your church. Young children are full of energy and sometimes need a little extra guidance. Also, an extra pair of eyes and ears is usually welcome when it comes to supervision. You might also consider volunteering at a place that offers tutoring or mentoring programs for younger children.

4. Are you an artist? Do you enjoy design and layout?
Try offering ­assistance with the bulletin board at your school or church. Your eye for visual design might be just what is needed to freshen up the foyer of your church or the lobby of your school. You might also be a big help with the church bulletin or newsletter if graphic design is more your speed.

5. Do you enjoy working outside?
Look around your community or church for an elderly person who might need help cleaning up his or her yard. Enjoy the breeze outside while being a witness for Christ in your community and helping out an elderly friend.

6. Are you the quiet and reserved type who prefers a little less high-profile service?
Consider a prayer ministry. Create and maintain a list of needs for those in your church, family, and community. Commit to diligently spending time in prayer each day for these items and specific people or leaders.Also, consider making a "person of influence " prayer list. Add the names of the people in your community or world who hold a lot of influence: the president, the mayor, Oprah, your pastor, the school board president, and so forth.

7. Are you a computer and electronics guru?
The sound system at your church may be complicated, but they probably need volunteers to hook up wires and move speakers or microphones around from time to time. Consider it an opportunity to learn more about the technology from the pros.

8. Are you a leader who can get people together?
Begin a Bible study or small group in your neighborhood with others who share your faith. Be intentional with plans to minister in your community and serve others.

9. Are you a big Food Network fan with dreams of being a chef?
Or maybe you just like to cook. Perhaps your culinary skills could be of assistance in the church kitchen or a ­community shelter. In Mark 9:41, Christ tells us that even “a cup of water” given in His name will be rewarded.

10. Do you have a way with words and love writing?
Consider offering a poem or prose selection for publication in your church bulletin or Web site. If editing and grammar is more your thing, ­volunteer to proofread the bulletin, slides for the worship service or whatever the church office needs help with. You could also be a helpful addition to the Web team.

© 2008 LifeWay Christian Resources
Amy Jo Harell, "At Your Service: Top 10 ways to serve others." ec magazine, March 2009, LifeWay Christian Resources: Nashville, 2008, p. 16.

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