(ec) essential connection magazine: Friday Snippets and Soundbites

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Snippets and Soundbites

It's Friday and that means "Snippets and Soundbites"! If today's edition leaves you wanting more, check out page 38 in the June (and every month) issue of ec. You won't be sorry.

Now, on with the show:

• Why did the sea lion cross the road?
To get to the other side of Interstate 880 in San Francisco, California! Drivers on their morning commute spotted a baby sea lion in the middle of the road. A highway patrol officer said the sea lion is one of a few inquisitive animals that wander onto the roadways. The little sea lion was taken to the Marine Mammal Center by police car, where it “seems to be going fine,” Jim Oswald the center’s spokesman said. Thanks to the vets who are giving it a chance to rest before medically evaluating the curious mammal. ###
There’s a picture of the sea lion here!

• Fashion-forward dress reaches all new “lights”
Ever been annoyed by loud cell phone jingles in public places (like the movie theater, doctor’s office or shopping center)? Well, be prepared for a little more than noise. London, England has taken fashion and technology to a new level. The prototype of a dress that lights up when its wearer receives a cell phone call was unveiled last week. A British fashion student created the little white dress for a school project. The assignment: integrate fashion and the latest technology. The shoulder of the dress is covered with clear white scales that move and light up with the wearer’s phone is ringing. So instead of “Turn your phone to silent,” signs, we may start seeing, “Turn your dress lights to off.” This site has a picture of the dress!

• TTYL. I have a txt competition to win. LOL.
Kate Moore, a 15-year-old from Des Moines, Iowa, was crowned the LG U.S. National Texting Championship winner. Taking home the $50,000 prize must have put a smile on her parents’ faces, who were no-doubt suddenly glad their daughter was a texting queen. She won the competition for her speed and accuracy of texting while blindfolded and while navigating through an obstacle course. Moore said it’s “all in the thumbs.” Go here to find out more.

• Fire in the fire station
Firefighters in Honolulu, Oahu, had a little accident. While responding to an emergency call, they left food cooking in the fire station oven. Shortly thereafter, they were called to put out a fire in their own station – the damage totaling $25,000. According to the fire department spokesman, Terry Seelig, even firefighters need to be reminded about fire safety. Read the whole story here.

• Fight breaks out in nail salon.
Crazy things are happening in Mount Vernon, Washington. After a 13-year-old girl got her inch-long, fake orange nails, she decided not to pay for them because she didn’t like the design. It was then the nail technician reportedly grabbed the girl and began trying to peel the fake nails off. Police tried to calm the two parties by “meeting in the middle.” The girl’s mom agreed to pay $10 for the nails. Want to know more about this crazy story? Go here.

This week's "Snippets and Soundbites" was written by Kennan Neuman, our summer intern. Thanks, Kennan, for a job well done!

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