(ec) essential connection magazine: True Love Waits around the World—Part 1

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

True Love Waits around the World—Part 1

It’s getting close to Valentine’s Day, a day on which we celebrate love. You may be impatient to experience love in all its glory. We know what that’s like, but we also know that God’s plan for love and marriage involves a commitment to abstinence now, resulting in a huge payoff when you get married. That’s the message of True Love Waits, and it’s being taken all around the globe. If you read the article on pages 16-18 of this month’s issue of ec, you heard about True Love Waits in Africa and the Philippines. We’ve got the scoop on some more things that are happening as God finds ways and people to spread the message of His plan for sex and marriage.

In the Philippines:
True Love Waits Director Derek Ross’ friend John Bora owns a large venue—Mega Tent—in Manila. A few months ago, Tim Hughes, a worship leader from England, was about to have a concert at Mega Tent. John Bora invited Derek, along with Isabel Tobias, an official in the Philippine government, to meet Tim Hughes.

Derek gives us the run-down of what happened during that fateful meeting:
“I walked in the room, sat down with Isabel, and introduced myself. Tim Hughes was busy Skyping his wife on his laptop on the other side of the room. Isabel asked what I was doing in the Philippines. I responded that I was teaching biblical purity lessons as the director of True Love Waits Philippines. Isabel listened as I described True Love Waits and our impact on the nation. When I finished, I asked her what it was that she did.
She responded, ‘I am the Secretary General of the Presidential Council for Values Formation.’ This position is comparable to US Secretary of Education in its impact.
So, at this point, I am thinking, Thank you God, but WHAT ARE YOU DOING? But I said, ‘Oh, that's interesting.’
Then she said, ‘Would you like to meet the President of the Philippines?’
I said, ‘Maybe you should meet our team and discuss the details of what we do as an organization,’ but what I really wanted to say was, ‘Sure, just send the presidential limo by my house!’”

Isabel Tobias invited the TLW staff, including Derek and his wife Amanda, to dinner where they discussed the details of what TLW does in the Philippines. She offered to find small ways to help them financially and connect them with the Department of Education and Catholic organizations. She also offered to allow them to upload their upcoming TV show to a government Web site they are designing to promote positive values. She suggested using rooms at The Palace (their version of the White House) for TLW leader training or special events. The team prayed with her and for her and her work in the president’s cabinet, and she also prayed for them.

"God is the One who places people in positions of power, and He also chooses carpenters like me to dine with them," Derek said.

For more information, please visit their web site or e-mail Derek at derek[at]wagmuna[dot]com. And stay tuned for tomorrow's post about how God is working in Africa through True Love Waits!

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