(ec) essential connection magazine: Tuesday of Holy Week

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday of Holy Week

Read John 12:20-36 and Mark 12 today.

The Gospel of John records that not long after Jesus' triumphant arrival in Jerusalem, He began to talk to His followers about His coming crucifixion. Read John 12:20-36 today. Jesus is a Man embroiled in turmoil in these verses. He knows what is coming; the crucifixion is near. Read His words in John 12:27-28: “Now My soul is troubled. What should I say—Father, save Me from this hour? But that is why I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name!”

Jesus knew His march toward the cross was coming to an end. He knew the sacrifice He would have to make so that we could live in relationship with God. It was the reason He had come to earth in the first place. He knew that He would be "lifted up” on a cross, that His death would draw all people to Himself (John 12:32). He knew that His sacrifice—His suffering, His death—was the one and only way to everlasting life and salvation for us.

So there Jesus was, sitting with His disciples and followers, trying to explain that He would only be with them like this a little while longer. I think these moments were bittersweet for Jesus. Like any of us, His human desire was to savor these last moments with the people He loved, yet His reason for being here called Him to action. He desperately wanted these people to understand what He was telling them, and for the most part, they didn't.

It must have been a lonely time for Jesus. He knew what was going to happen in the coming days. And the people closest to Him didn't get it. Scripture says He "went away from them and hid from them" (John 12:36). He just wanted to be alone with His thoughts, with His turmoil. Have you ever felt that way? Why? Why is it important to know that Jesus felt the same way?

Meanwhile, the religious leaders began making plans to get rid of Jesus, who they had begun to see as a problem who was disrupting their way of life. They wanted Him to say something they could use against Him. They questioned His authority. Read Mark 12 and consider the things Jesus was teaching in these final moments. He knew what was coming, and He still wanted the world to hear His truth. He wanted us to understand who He was, but He still took the time to answer questions about taxes and to exhort us to live like the widow who gave an offering of all she had. He wanted us to understand that what He was talking about wasn't religion ruled by rules and acts. It was relationship. It was admitting we need God and giving every bit of ourselves to Him.

The week before the crucifixion wasn't an easy one for Jesus. It was an emotional roller coaster. He had been welcomed like a hero and cleansed the temple. Now He predicted His death, and no one really understood. Dwell on those emotions Jesus felt this week: disappointment, fear, righteous anger, sorrow. Understand the sacrifice He made for you. Spend time praying about it. Let God help you see Easter and Christ's sacrifice in a new light this year.

If you'd like to do some additional reading this Easter, read That's Why We Call Him Savior by Max Lucado this week.

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