(ec) essential connection magazine: What's your REAL (spiritual) age?

Monday, March 22, 2010

What's your REAL (spiritual) age?

God never intended us to stay spiritual babies. Nope, Scripture is actually quite clear that He expects us to mature in our faith, growing up in Him and changing the way we live because of what He's teaching us. Use our handy evaluation below to start thinking about where you are in your spiritual growth and what you can do now to become more like Jesus. Honestly evaluate yourself in light of the following statements:

Yes    No    I read the Bible daily.
Yes    No    I am closer to the Lord than I was this time last year.
Yes    No    I am involved in a church.
Yes    No    I hang out with people who encourage me to grow in my relationship with God.
Yes    No    I confess my sin to God, repent, and stop doing that sin.
Yes    No    I want to grow in Christlikeness.
Yes    No    I encourage my friends to follow God.
Yes    No    I seek advice from godly people.
Yes    No    I am discovering and exercising my role as a member of the body of Christ.
Yes    No    When life overwhelms me, I turn to God.
Yes    No    I am becoming more bold in my witness.
Yes    No    I let Christ, not the world, define my worth.
Yes    No    I am growing in humility, understanding more and more who God is and who I am as His child.

Now add up how many times you picked “yes” and calculate your “spiritual age” below:

0-3 Spiritual Infant:
Exciting and dramatic life changes are ahead as you choose to grow in your faith.
4-7 Spiritual Adolescent: Growing up is hard and sometimes awkward for you, but you are getting ready for new responsibilities if you’ll just keep moving forward.
8-10 Spiritual Teenager: You stand out from the crowd, and though it’s tough, your life is impacting people in ways you can’t see. Don’t give up now!
11-13 Spiritual Adult: You’ve realized that the closer you are to God, the more you still have to learn. Your faith is strong, but you must continue to seek God daily as He uses you to lead others.

To read more about spiritual maturity, read "Grow Up!" on page 40-41 of the March issue of ec.

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