(ec) essential connection magazine: Saturday of Holy Week

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday of Holy Week

Today is a silent day in the events surrounding Jesus' last week on earth. The disciples had scattered, possibly hiding in fear they would be next, possibly drawing solace from each other, the only other people who really understood. The crowd at the foot of the cross had dispersed.

It was all over. Jesus, the great leader, was dead and buried. It must have been a terrifying and grief-stricken time for those who had loved Jesus most.

It was also the Sabbath, so the Jews marked the holy day as they generally had. Jesus had been hurriedly buried because of the approaching Sabbath and on the next day, some of the women who had followed Him would go back to the tomb to provide one last act of love for the Master and properly prepare His body for burial.

But all of that would come on Sunday. Saturday was a day of waiting.

It's a day of waiting and silence for believers today, too, but we have the benefit of knowing what happens next. We wait with joy rather than the dread and fear that Jesus' followers probably felt all those years ago.

Spend some time today in prayer and take time to "wait upon the Lord" during that prayer time. Thank Him for the sacrifice of Christ. Thank Him for your salvation. Thank Him for all of who He is, then be silent. Think on these things He has done. Remember. Let Him speak and praise Him for what you learn from Him.

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