(ec) essential connection magazine: SAT Tip #4

Thursday, March 12, 2009

SAT Tip #4

The SAT is two days away. Cramming doesn’t work, and we would highly recommend taking a SAT prep class, but we have been offering some helpful test-taking tips that we really do think can help you on test day. Are you ready for today’s?

Ready or not, here we go!

Tip #4: Steer clear of the avoidable mistakes.
No, we’re not talking about finding ways to avoid wrong answers on the test—you’ll probably get a few of those! But there are some steps you can take now to make sure test day is less stressful and more relaxed. Like knowing where the test center is. If you’re taking the test in a location that’s not all that familiar to you, take some time to figure out how to get there and make a plan to get there early enough to settle in and relax. You can avoid being late on test day, so let technology (like Google Maps) help you out and don’t get lost on test day.

Also, have some common sense. Don’t drink four gallons of water or coffee or soda right before you take the SAT. We’d suggest getting to the testing site early and visiting the bathroom before the test. Commonplace advice, yes, but it’s still good advice. You cannot leave the room during testing sessions. There will be breaks between each section, so use your brain and plan ahead.

Another avoidable mistake is not having the tools you need on test day. You’re going to need No. 2 pencils for sure. A calculator is helpful, but make sure it has fresh batteries or won’t otherwise let you down during the test. You may be restricted on what kind of calculator you can bring, so ask someone today so that you have time to get everything in order. You’re probably going to need a photo idea and/or your SAT admission ticket. Get it all ready the night before and put it somewhere you will not forget. Ask someone trustworthy to help you remember the list of items you need to bring along and hold you to it before you walk out the door on Saturday morning!

And finally, make sure you’re ready for the test. It may be tempting to stay up all night cramming or hanging out with your friends, but those things may not help your score. So, get a good night’s rest the night before and eat a healthy breakfast on Saturday morning. You’d be surprised, but your brain works better when you’ve fed it!

Come back tomorrow for more test tips. And follow us on Twitter (@ecmagazine) for daily test tips this week and devotional tips every day.

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