(ec) essential connection magazine: Who are you listening to?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who are you listening to?

By David Bennett

Today’s world is loud. There are so many voices vying for our attention. Song lyrics. Your favorite TV character’s catchphrase. Movie dialogue. Talk show hosts and their advice. Authority figures, teachers, friends, and parents. There are so many voices saying so many conflicting things. Take some time today to evaluate the voices you’re letting into your life. Are they bringing you closer to God or putting up barriers in your relationship with Him? It’s time to stop listening to the voices that have no place in your life.

Shut Up!
With all those voices—TV shows, music, parents, friends, celebrities, movies—telling you how to live your life, it can be tough to figure out which voices you should listen to and which ones you should tell to shut up. The fact is, the messages you choose to listen to have an impact on the heart of who you are. And that truth has implications for the music you listen to, the movies and television shows you watch, and the voices you turn to for advice. How? Let’s take a look.

Turn up the volume.
You have a right to listen to whatever music you want to, right? Yes, I’m aware that’s what you’re saying. But hear me out: a song is a voice set to music. Some voices are inspiring while others are depressing. Many cult classics were written under the influence of drugs and unchristian practices. At what point do you know if music is affecting you in a negative way? Answer the following questions to determine how the music you listen to influences you.
• Take a look at your iPod® or music collection. Who are the most influential musicians in your life? Are they positive or negative?
• With what are their lyrics concerned? Are they “just songs” or do the words really matter? Explain.
• How do the messages and lyrics of your favorite songs compare with God’s message of love, truth, and purity?
• Are you above the influence of these voices?

Music is a big part of our lives today. Sometimes, we’re naïve enough to think that the music we listen to and the depressing, harsh, and sometimes ungodly messages it promotes don’t affect us. That’s a false assumption because that way of thinking seeps into our minds. If the music you listen to is full of violence, harsh words, depressing topics, and vulgarity, then hear this: Those deadly messages are in direct opposition to God’s message of love, life, and hope. 

Watch out.
Does it really matter what you see and hear on television? Believe it or not, the media suppress the truth. Which voice is louder: God’s or the media? God’s voice is clear. He is constantly revealing His power and nature, but many have replaced His truth with nonsense. Here is a simple test to determine the appropriateness of the messages you hear coming out of your television. As you read these questions, think about your favorite shows and the things they’re teaching you, even subconciously.
• Are people treated as equal and valuable in God’s sight on your favorite show?
• What are the primary concerns of the show? Finances, politics, global warming, faith in God, or moral choices are a few examples.
• Is the language pure and the conversations affirming of others? Is sexual purity valued?
• Is violence toward others a significant portion of the show’s premise?

Would you like butter on your popcorn?
Isn’t everything OK as long as I’m seeing a PG movie?, you ask. The fact is, the images you see on the big screen and the soundtracks you listen to have the power to either draw you near to God or pull you away from Him.
Here is a simple test to determine if the movies you are paying to see are the right movies for you: Picture Jesus sitting beside you in the dark seeing the same images and hearing the same language, music, and sound effects. It really is as simple as WMWJS—What movie would Jesus see? (And if you are sneaking into R-rated movies, then you are being deceitful and dishonest. Sometimes, the truth hurts.)

I hear voices.
You hear a lot of voices in today’s world. Doesn’t every celebrity and authority figure in my life speak the truth?, you may ask. The answer is no. Many celebrities promote their own agendas without one godly thought in their heads. They also switch from fad to fad. Fads never last, and these temporary “fad” voices can have a negative impact on your life. Not everyone in the world believes the gospel or knows its power. Many don’t think it’s a convenient truth to teach. Weigh everything you hear—from the theories you’re hearing in class to the advice thrown out on talk shows—with the truths found in God’s Word. Truth does not change. Just because you hear something new does not mean you need to listen to it. There is no new gospel.

Life is full of choices. Some are easier than others; some are more important than others. The voices you hear and choose to listen to influence your choices, the way you live your life, and the way you treat others. Consider what the following passages say about the voices in your life: Romans 1:18-32, Galatians 5:19-21, Philippians 4:8-9, and 2 Timothy 4:2-4. The only way to get God’s peace is to silence the voices that distract you from following Him. Understand this: the voice of God can’t be silenced. So, listen to Him and live a life that reflects Him.

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