(ec) essential connection magazine: 5 Tips for starting the school year off R.I.G.H.T

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

5 Tips for starting the school year off R.I.G.H.T

With many students heading back to class this week, we thought a few ideas of how to focus this year might be a good idea. So if you want to get the year off to a good start, we've got this advice:

R: Rest and recreation
Get enough of both. Many teens simply don't get enough sleep—or anywhere close to the 8-9 hours doctors say you should. Set a bed time and stick to it (as much as possible, we know there will be some exceptions). Move your phone off your bedside table or turn it off or on silent before you go to bed. It may be tempting to text all night, but you'll feel it the morning. Make it a point to exercise, too. But don't be so concerned with your schedule that you never take time to have some fun. Enjoy your friends, family, and have some fun! Life shouldn't be all about work and homework and expectations!

I: Intake
What you choose to put into your mind will come out in your life. That's the truth. So consider carefully the things you're allowing into your mind, whether it's music, books, images, gossip, or people. Learn to evaluate the things you allow into your mind based on God's standards. Ask questions. Was authority respected or not? What's the view of sex? Did that magazine, book, movie, or music make you feel inferior? When you have answers, see how they line up with the standards and truths presented in the Bible.

G: Goals
Now is the time to set some goals—both spiritually and personally—for this year. Think about what you want to happen in your life socially this year. Is there someone you want to be a better friend to? Do you want to run for class office or join a club? Spiritually, what would you like to see happen in your life? Who in your circle do you want to see trust Christ? Do you need to get involved in a small group Bible study or ask an older Christian to mentor or disciple you? Think about it, then write some goals down. Sometimes, that small act encourages us to make choices that will help us accomplish our goals.

H: Healthy Self Image
Here's the deal: you aren't perfect. But you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a Creator who cares for you deeply. And most of the time, we don't remember that truth. It's true you may not always like the person you see in the mirror and, yes, on really important days, a zit might just appear. But that's just life. Learn to take the good with the bad and ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you: loved and valued. You're not ugly, someone no one wants to know, or too far gone for God to reach you and/or care about you. Stop worrying about weight, looks, and hating the qualities that make you special. Focus on seeing yourself the way God does and read the Bible to reinforce what you know is true.

T: Time Management
Yes, we talk about time management EVERY year. But only because it's important and you're always telling us you have too much to do and too little time. We can't tell you what not to do, but we can give you a few ideas on how to better manage the time you have. First, figure out how you spend your time. If you need to, take a few days and evaluate. You can even make a chart of how you spend your time if that helps you visualize. All we want you to recognize is where you may be wasting time. Are there areas in which you could make better choices? Is the reason you don't have enough time to do you homework because you're talking on the phone or Internet or playing video games? While we're all behind building friendships and having fun, don't do all of that at the expense of your homework or duties. Do your homework first, then have fun. You have to figure out what your priorities are then give them priority in your life. Get a planner and write big assignments and test dates in it—or use the calendar on your computer or other device. Keep your books, homework, and other school stuff in a certain location so you're not trying to find your assignment minutes before you have to leave for school. Make some effort, some plans, and be a little more organized this year. It might just save you some time!

Adapted from "Start the School Year off RIGHT" by Rachel Lovingood in ec magazine, August 2008, p. 54-55.

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